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Throughout my time in the Honors Program, I took classes that integrated the three main pathways into my learning.  This includes Community Engagement, Leadership, and Research & Creative Activity.

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Engineering Overview

Engineering Overview was an exploration of the different types of engineering and the ways they each make an impact on the world.  I gained a deeper understanding of engineering and how it is more than just making something.  This class taught me that the importance of engineering is helping those you are designing for. 


OHP Engagement Lab

In OHP Engagement Lab, I worked on a team with 7 other students in conjunction with the Valpo Surf Project in Valparaíso, Chile.  We were tasked with creating a marketing/fundraising plan for the nonprofit so they could reach a larger audience for donations.  When I took this class, everything was online due to COVID, so I enhanced my coordination skills to organize meetings for my group to meet.  I enjoyed this class a lot because it was very different from my engineering curriculum, introduced me to interdisciplinary learning, and taught me skills I can apply elsewhere.

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Prep for Intercultural Experiences

This class focused on studying abroad and how to navigate different cultures and the culture shock that could come with traveling.  It was very important to have an open mind in this class due to the discussions surrounding other people’s cultures.  I gained a lot of perspective on other countries and learned a lot about the different places everyone in the class wanted to study abroad.   


Intro to Ethical Leadership

The main focus of this class was being an ethical leader.  I learned a lot about leadership styles, discussed good and bad examples of a leader, and reflected on my own experiences in leadership.  I discovered that I have a mix of leadership styles depending on what the position entails.  It was fun to explore and discuss those topics with my peers.

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Special Topics in OHP: Culture

This class was centered around culture and learning about how to positively approach differences when they arise.  Something unique about this class is that we used the Peace Corps’ Culture Matters workbook.  This workbook is used by people in the Peace Corps before they leave their homes to prepare them to live in a place different from what they are used to.      


Ohio Honors Capstone

The Ohio Honors Capstone was a class about reflecting and the best ways to approach learning.  Through this class, I learned a lot about the importance of interdisciplinary studies, as well as experiential learning.  This class gave me the space to reflect on my time in college and tie together everything I have learned in both my engineering and honors classes. 

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